hot歌吉他谱 >

小白新手《加州旅馆》吉他谱初级版 C调编配版 扫弦节奏型 优美吉他谱 Eagles 吉他谱简易弹唱


日期: 2022-04-30 11:33:20

加州旅馆(简单版) 歌手:Eagles拍子:4/4速度:60-80调式:C调难度:简单类型:弹唱风格:流行相关吉他谱Hotel California (加州旅馆)Eagles 2017-09-04 6094 Life In The Fast Lane-The Ea

Eagles加州旅馆GTP吉他谱演唱(奏):老鹰乐队 人气: 259 唱法:器乐语种: 国语歌曲谱 日期:2013/6/28 14:17:16【报告错误】 【收藏网址】 【手机版】 复制本页地

著名乡村民谣乐队老鹰乐队的《加州旅馆》,融合了多种音乐元素甚至非音乐元素的摇滚乐经典之作。 复杂的乐器编排,迷幻的歌词,动听的旋律,让无数人为止疯狂的的吉他solo,还有感人心

[钢琴谱]加州旅馆老鹰乐队 (3P 630x834 ) [吉他谱]Hotel California 加州旅馆老鹰乐队 (9P 676x832 ) [歌谱]Hotel California 加州旅馆 指弹版老鹰乐队 Eagles (8P 700x1003 ) [歌谱]郑成河指弹

本文标签 eagles 加州旅馆 电吉他谱 上一篇:电吉他谱【卡农】摇滚版 下一篇:电吉他谱【daddy brother love little boy】 精彩专题电吉他和弦进行秘籍 365日!电吉他手的养成计划

吉他教学 吉他入门视频教程 加州旅馆吉他谱原版1.2万热力值 2017-03-20 热门推荐 搞笑 明星 小品 揭秘 游戏 生活 科技 美食 音乐 相关推荐00:12 四四方方一块

你有可能会需要的怂人版加州旅馆#吉他谱,#热门,#吉他,#加州旅馆吴小云娱乐 网易新闻 iOS Android 0 分享至 猜你喜欢 我建议你去医院吧 在G港旁边 美企摊上大事了, 老美妄想冻结俄罗

hotel california是老鹰乐队在最佳状态,最佳组合之下完成的一首旷世之作。这首歌曲旋律优美动人,被世人广为传唱。单看歌词,只见寥寥数笔,便几乎把美国上世纪70年代所有的忧伤与迷惘

加州旅馆的扫弦节奏,打算用一把吉他弹唱,请高手帮忙给个扫弦的节奏型,或者吉他谱,谢啦? 偶尔也会弹唱这首歌,哈哈。我常用的方法是在唱每一小段时(on the ...hi

On a dark desert highway

cool wind in my hair

warm smell of colitas

rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance

I saw a shimmering light

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to stop for the night

there she stood in the doorway

I heard the mission bell

and I was thinking to myself

this could be heaven or this could be hell

then she lit up a candle

and she showed me the way

there were voices down in corridor

I thought I heard them say.....

welcome to the hotel California

such a lovely place

such a lovely face

plenty of rooms at the hotel California

any time of year

you can find it here

her mind is Tiffany-twisted

she got the Mercedes-Benz

she got a lot of pretty pretty boys

that she calls friends

how they dance in the courtyard

sweet summer sweat

some dance to remember some dance to forget

so I called up the captain

please bring me my wine, he said:"

we haven't had that spirit

here since nineteen sixty nine

and still those voices are calling from far away

wake you up in the middle of the night

just to hear them say....

welcome to the hotel California

such a lovely place

such a lovely face

they live it up at the hotel California

what a nice surprise

bring your alibis

mirrors on the ceiling

the pink champagne on ice,and she said:"

we are all just prisoners here

of our own device

and in the master's chambers

they gathered for the feast

they stab it with their steely knives

but they just can't kill the beast

last thing I remember

I was running for the door

I had to find the passage back

to the place I was before

relax said the night man

we are programmed to receive

you can check out any time you like

but you can never leave









